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2024-2025 Classes
Classes run from September 9, 2024 - May 17, 2025
Registration Fee
$35 per family
(paid on registration; non-refundable)
Tuition is broken into nine equal payments, paid on the first of each month of the session, regardless of how many class days are in each month.
LA = Lauren Adams-Plehal
MS = Margaret Schmitz
CO = Chrystal O'Hanlon
JR = Julia Ross
LR = Lillian Ross
BT = Bernadette Thelen
AZ = Allisun Zagar
CM = Catherine Murray
Family Discount
Dancer taking the most hours pays full tuition; additional family members each get a 20% discount. Note: Family discounts do not apply to private lessons, performance classes, or competition classes.
Note: You will find prerequisites and a complete description for each class in the registration module. Click the "Register Here" button above.

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