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Summer 2025 Classes

Classes run from June 7, 2025 - August 16, 2025

Registration Fee


Family Discount

$20 per new family

(paid on registration; non-refundable)

Families that are currently registered in 2024-2025 classes have their Summer

2025 registration fee waived.


Tuition is broken into three equal payments, paid on the first of each month of the session, regardless of how many class days are in each month.

LA = Lauren Adams-Plehal

MS = Margaret Schmitz
CO = Chrystal O'Hanlon

JR = Julia Ross
LR = Lillian Ross

BT = Bernadette Thelen

AZ = Allisun Zagar

CM = Catherine Murray

Dancer taking the most hours pays full tuition; additional family members each get a 20% discount.  Note:  Family discounts do not apply to private lessons, performance classes, or competition classes.

Note: You will find prerequisites and a complete description for each class in the registration module.  Click the "Register Here" button above.

Recreational Program

The Recreational Program is by invitation, after completion of Galway Group or equivalent


Dancers learn and master the Bunghrád Slip Jig, Single Jig, and Light Jig, and Ullmhúchán Hornpipe; learn new skills in softshoe and hardshoe such as leaps and brush hops.

Wednesdays 4:30pm-5:30pm  CO

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